

1. Purpose, Structure, and Intended Uses 目的、结构和用途
1.1. Purpose 目的
The purpose of the Standard is to describe the requirements for third-party substantiation of the recycledcontent claims asserted by companies with regard to specific products. This Standard allows a company to demonstrate that:
1. Its product contain materials that are classified using definitions based on ISO
14021:1999(E) Environmental labels and declarations – Self-declared environmental claims (Type IIenvironmental labeling) and United States Code of Federal Regulations Title 40: Protection of theEnvironment, Part 261- Identification andListingof Hazardous Waste; and
符合 ISO14021:1999(E):环境标志和声明-自我环境声明(II 型环境标志)和美国联邦法规第40 款:保护环境,第 261 部分:有害废料的识别与列表;并且
2. Its marketing claims conform with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Guides for the Use of Environmental Marketing Claims.
3. Its products contain materials that may conform with the Material & Resources criteria for Recycled Content for building products according to the United States Green Building Council(USGBC) Leadership Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building rating system.

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