Climate Pledge 是亚马逊 与Global Optimism 于2019年联合创立的组织,号召企业加入在2040年前达到企业运营零碳排放,目前除了亚马逊外,还有微软、联合利华、优步等200多公司签署。2020年,亚马逊获得了原KeyArena的冠名权,改名为Climate Pledge Arena/气候宣言竞技场
Climate Pledge Friendly(气候友好承诺)计划大概是2020年初的,亚马逊和政府机构、非营利组织以及第三方独立实验室合作,对符合某项或多项环保认证的商品打上Climate Pledge Friendly 的环保识别标志。这样,我们消费者可以在其网站购物时,识别并购买对环境可持续发展更有利的商品
目前共有32项环保认证,包括有机产品、公平贸易认证、节能认证、原料健康无毒、使用再生材料制作产品、减少碳排放的认证等。我们购物时,可以搜索Climate Pledge Friendly的产品,也可以看到产品符合的具体认证标识,其中Compact by Design认证是亚马逊自己推出的,以识别产品包装设计方面具有可持续性的商品。对包装体积、重量等都有要求,可以减少运输过程中产生的碳排放。
1. 申请亚马逊的紧凑包装设计 Compact by Design
Category Name | "Unit" unit of measure | Threshold Value |
AC Filters | count | 7.441235476 |
Air Purifier Filters | count | 18.3223109 |
Allergy Relief | count | 0.000029266 |
Animal Fur Cleaner and Conditioner | fl oz | 0.15409171 |
Animal Nutrition Supplement | count | 0.0006327547 |
Animal Nutrition Supplement | fl oz | 0.2255132097 |
Animal Nutrition Supplement | ounce | 0.2050567824 |
Animal Vitamin Supplement | count | 0.0015586418 |
Antacids | count | 0.000133898 |
Astringent Powders | ounce | 0.205795918 |
Baby Cereal | ounce | 0.502928983 |
Baby Wipes | count | 0.016200947 |
Baking Chocolate | ounce | 0.167257812 |
Baking Cups | count | 0.000854144 |
Baking Mix | ounce | 0.215466118 |
Bandages | count | 0.001535113 |
Bathing Sponge | count | 0.288484422 |
Bathwater additive | ounce | 0.132870083 |
Beverage Insulator | count | 0.3867641897 |
Body Scrub | fl_oz | 0.126299996 |
Breakfast Cereal | ounce | 0.364682835 |
Bookmark | count | 0.0016908584 |
Bronzer and Blush Powder | ounce | 3.133473908 |
Calcium Supplement | count | 0.000362695 |
Cell Phone Cables | count | 0.294286968 |
Cellphone Data Cables | count | 0.145560723 |
Chewing Gum | count | 0.001063476 |
Children's Vitamins | count | 0.000318177 |
Chocolate Candy | ounce | 0.178622424 |
Cold and Flu Remedies | count | 0.000328231 |
Collagen supplement | ounce | 0.425343795 |
Computer Lightning Cables | count | 0.352973112 |
Computer USB Cables | count | 0.589240465 |
Condiments | fl_oz | 0.1759288038 |
Condiments | ounce | 0.1749003580 |
Conditioner | fl_oz | 0.17129922 |
Conditioner Bars | ounce | 1.71438596 |
Conditioning Shampoo Bars | oz | 4.673587214 |
Conditioning Shampoos | fl_oz | 0.167178615 |
Contact Lens Cleaner | fl oz | 0.3080416496 |
Cosmetic Powder | ounce | 1.154225183 |
Cosmetic Sponge | count | 0.0109542077 |
Cough Drops | count | 0.001397466 |
Cough Syrup | fl_oz | 0.198584487 |
Crackers | ounce | 0.60009587 |
Culinary Salt | ounce | 0.13080171890 |
Dehydrated Pet Food | ounce | 1.674722964 |
Dishwasher Detergent Pods and Tabs | count | 0.070117164 |
Dry Pet Food | pound | 58.27831539 |
Eczema Relief | oz | 0.215276367 |
Essential Oils | fl_oz | 0.91774359 |
Eyebrow Color | ounce | 0.12061185863 |
Eyelid Color | ounce | 0.349817925 |
Eyelid Color | fl_oz | 1.04842805 |
Fabric Softener | fl_oz | 0.227143942 |
Fabric Softener | ounce | 0.235872726 |
Fabric Softener | count | 0.003132078 |
Facial Astringents | fl_oz | 0.169761131 |
Facial Cleansing Pads | count | 0.000527312 |
Facial Cleansing Wipes | count | 0.003895535 |
Facial Mask Powder | ounce | 0.201881414 |
Facial Tissue | count | 0.000596738 |
Flavored Drink Concentrate | fl_oz | 0.002465635 |
Floor Cleaners | fl_oz | 0.182126543 |
Food Coloring | fl oz | 0.094243187 |
Food Coloring | ounce | 0.100864939 |
Foot Mask | count | 0.610080294 |
Glass Cleaners | fl_oz | 0.199083576 |
Hair Coloring Agent | fl_oz | 0.153006451 |
Hair Coloring Agent | ounce | 0.246905012 |
Hair Gels and Creams | ounce | 0.200122346 |
Hair Removal Wax | ounce | 0.156252909 |
Hair Styling Agent | fl_oz | 0.208193423 |
Hand Sanitizer | fl oz | 0.145037043 |
HDMI Cables | count | 2.038132196 |
HEPA Air Filters | count | 18.3223109 |
Honey | ounce | 0.112367644 |
Household Cleaning Wipes | count | 0.024265392 |
Iron Supplement | count | 0.000102673 |
Jerky | ounce | 0.32656617 |
Kitchen Trash Bags | count | 0.05664354 |
Laundry Detergent | loads | 0.095495635 |
Leavening Agent | ounce | 0.14414127860 |
Lip Balm | count | 0.02837219 |
Lip Balm | ounce | 0.353026223 |
Lip Color | fl_oz | 0.303220244 |
Lip Color | ounce | 0.216741469 |
Liquid Bathroom Cleaners | fl_oz | 0.197507565 |
Liquid Bronzer and Blush | fl_oz | 0.311364368 |
Liquid Deodorant | fl_oz | 0.203057476 |
Liquid Dishwasher Detergent | fl_oz | 0.170107593 |
Liquid Ink | fl oz | 0.0284407568 |
Liquid Ink | ounce | 0.3238413750 |
Liquid Multipurpose Cleaners | fl_oz | 0.003185087 |
Liquid Soap | fl_oz | 0.207686259 |
Liquid Stitches and Bandages | fl_oz | 0.419249847 |
Liquid Sunscreen | fl_oz | 0.230160209 |
Loose Leaf Tea | ounce | 0.278788756 |
Magnesium Supplement | count | 0.000339248 |
Makeup Primer | fl oz | 0.293448495 |
Makeup Primer | ounce | 0.254374301 |
Mascara | fl_oz | 0.850219466 |
Medication | ounce | 0.148893703 |
Medication | fl_oz | 0.265931749 |
Medication | count | 0.000109849 |
Moisturizing Lotion | fl_oz | 0.179692419 |
Moisturizing Lotion Bars/Moisturizing Creams | ounce | 0.201275982 |
Mouthwash | fl_oz | 0.177328247 |
Multivitamins | count | 0.000512606 |
Multivitamins | count | 0.000180652 |
Nail Clipper | count | 0.083996538 |
Nutritional Supplement | count | 0.000285452 |
Nutritional Supplement | ounce | 原文转载:http://fashion.shaoqun.com/a/1135416.html 里卡多:http://www.ikjzd.com/w/1644 识货:http://www.ikjzd.com/w/1745 西联:https://m.ikjzd.com/w/2592 paypal注册:https://m.ikjzd.com/articles/136094 卖家扛不住了!订单暴跌9成,强制停工停产!:https://m.ikjzd.com/articles/161313 又一跨境工厂停工停产!不少货代、供应商上门追债:https://m.ikjzd.com/articles/161315 最近销量普遍大降,却有一类产品疯狂上涨!:https://m.ikjzd.com/articles/161314
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